Precious SMART Solutions

Premiere smart automations, plumbing and electrical contractor

Precious SMART Solutions has one goal in mind - to be the leading smart home and office automations all-round contractor in the region. We take pride in performance and integrity with a level of commitment that comes from employee satisfaction and motivation. We, as a subsidiary of the Precious Investments Group, are dedicated to providing clients with value-focused services and results. With Precious SMART Solutions taking care of your facilities management and building project needs, you can focus on your core business through the coordination of multiple work streams, people management, and integrated delivery and unlock the power of outsourcing.


Precious SMART Solutions provides comprehensive facilities management, smart automations and property solutions that minimises overall cost and creates a sustainable work environment through a combination and integration of various services that ensure maximum productivity from our client’s resources.


Our services are tailor-made to suit the client’s needs and by bundling services we are able to reduce overheads and allocate resources more efficiently and effectively. Partnering with Precious SMART Solutions means consolidating subcontractors to a single point of contract with one service provider for all services rendered.


What we do?

Professional project management services ...

Maintenance and engineering services ..

Smart home and office automations ...

Our Mission

Empowering our people to deliver leading edge specialised services with the aim of allowing our clients to focus on their core business.r clients to focus on their ess.